Saturday 29 October 2011

Assignment: Mood Board, Research board, Story board

Mood Board - Star wars

The research board for Star Wars

Research board of the X-wing - My first model

Research board of the R2-D2 - My second model

Research board of the Death star and the Trench Gun Turret - My third and fourth model

The research boards noted down all the significant details and informations for each models.

Such as the scale, the colours, the patterns etc.

Which could be very useful when it came to the modelling parts.

Also noted  down some scene and relationships as well, so it could also be for the animating part.

Story board

Story Board 2

Start as a classic star wars film, coming up with the star wars opening description.

Words in yellow and same font as the film. Play star wars opening music with it as the animation plays.

Then the music and animation of the writing suddenly stop, cross the word star out and display R2-D2
The first two scenes are more like 2D animation first.

Scene 3  where the story line actually starting, with a quite serious atmosphere to show the scene of R2-D2 inserted on to the x-wing.
Using low camera angle to create an effect of high tech and powerful feeling for the x-wing.
The camera will be a stable camera, to suggest it is serious as the story is going to war next.

Scene 4: The camera will zoom in to the R2-D2, it wouldn't zoom in smoothly, but having a skip between four lens. When it come to the editing part, there will have a blurry effect when it zoom in.
Suggesting to the audience that the R2-D2 is the main character of this story line, not the x-wing, because the x-wing has shown in the first actual scene, therefore by zooming in to the R2-D2, audience would realise the main character is the R2-D2.

Scene 5: It will switch to a stable camera again, and many x-wings will move in the camera one by one by the elevator like platform underneath.

Scene 6: It will be a close up shot to the x-wing engines, may have a special effect of the heat waves, when the engines have started the x-wing will disappear from the scene.

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